
Fernando Giannotti is a writer, economist, and comedian from Dayton, Ohio. He is a member of the comedy troupe '5 Barely Employable Guys.' He holds a B.A. in Economics and History and an M.S. in Finance from Vanderbilt University as well as a B.A. in the Liberal Arts from Hauss College. A self-labeled doctor of cryptozoology, he continues to live the gonzo-transcendentalist lifestyle and strives to live an examined life.



I'd like to think Martin Luther was talking to me
That through those school loud speakers
His words took flight on the backs of angels of aspiration
Flying through each of our cage bars
Illuminating the different colors and hues of each individual's bars
But always the same material, everyone's bars comprised of the same material
The common smelting process that forges cage bars out of others perceptions of us
The universal cage we all feel
That unifies the able bodied with the handicapped
Black with white, affluent and poor
That the blind are the ones who truly see one another as they are
His words were meant for history
From the one who transcended his bars
And taught us to be blind
And just listen, just listen

east or west.  One must choose
The middle sun revels up high
Burning tears of sweat past the
Brow which shelters blue Eyes
Who witness the death of
Day and night in their sea
Trapped by choice
the blackness hides the night
One trying, Illuminating, Demanding
Straining eyes, uncertain of the
Interpretation of the land
illuminated by the creeping light
Inspiration and precarious
The morning sun wants one
As long as one is prepared to work
It will follow, but may leave
As quickly as lighting, a soggy departure
Is it worth it?
The relaxing cool colors of evening
Demand nothing more than your gaze
lids close on the twin blue seas
The subconscious works
The contenting western colors reside within
But upon the eastern beams brings the uncomfortable, tiring factory of realization
A tightrope of creative destruction
No trail of lost hair in the west
only accepting beauty, and night's
Blackness erases all
Reinventing justification or Unconditional acceptance?


We never really live in nature
We never really live in the city
This is human, to live art
Airports, the brush's resting place
As we watch the beautiful jet trails
Dancing with the setting sun's chiaroscuro
Intricate designs of vivid color
cross crossing across the sun
 as the moon watches from above
As I look up from the last prairie
In aw of the dance toward far off possibilities
With those left watching, if only
If only, contentness is all around

All Men
All men kill, ,what they love
All men kill, ,what they love
All men kill, ,what they love
Like Sisyphus and his boulder,
The weight is constant, without
Escape. From ever watching collective eyes, we toil
Shaped by the whims and desires of popular sentiment
To the cracked sidewalk of daily life
Innocence gives way to empathy
Neither will help a man
Suffocating him into survival
As the collective eyes watch,
Him give up to survive
Give up what built him into a human
For a glimpse of what it means to be human -
In the collective eyes
They ask only for acceptance
The punishment for condemnation is
Isolation and lonely freedom
Acceptance is to smother with the eyes watching
Ever watching, ever watching
Waiting for the sacrifice of man's humanity
We see it unfold
Each pixel of an eye is us
We stare down collectively
Bound by those same collective eyes
As we push our boulder up the hill
With his boulder Sisyphus laughs
He laughs at u headed warnings
All men kill, ,what they love
All men kill, ,what they love
All men kill, ,what they love

Old Country
Fleeing from Turks
Another Greek tragedy
The chorus sings from across the sea
Rome has fallen, but the seven hills remain
From farms to Worchester street
Nothing more than another ocean
Hope for prosperity put on layaway
Exiles in spirit
Only a matter of time before the chorus
Echoes through time
The seven hills remain

Lying there on the couch, tv blaring
For twenty years now, you watch the dance of sleep
Never waltzing, just watching
The toll shows
The axe of memory dulled almost
To the edge of uselessness
The sand dunes of laundry pile high
Split by a meandering river of subscriptionless catalogues from the glacier mailbox
A wild woods you've created for yourself
Danger, distracting, around every corner
Will you listen to the wise owl?
Who has sacrificed youth for wisdom
Hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot
Can you here the way out?
If only you could here over the silence and pull of the tv

A butterfly in amber is still a butterfly
Almost luminous in
Amber and they conspire to

Crashing to the ground the amber shatters
The butterfly is still a butterfly

I get in my car and drive
Nowhere in particular
Ah, now I remember
To meet friends at the restaurant
Why am I going?  I can't for the life of me remember why
What has happened? 
In high school and college it was easy
This thing called life
Why do I do what I do now?
We all leave life the same way we came in
Where is the ever present exuberance to get lost in
It was so easy
I use to think these thoughts
Deriving no small degree of consternation
That tortured and ruled my conscious
The world was so, until
I had sex with a girl in Athens
Not the first time I had sex
But the first time it meant something
At a certain point, her eyes rolled back and closed
She was in that toe curly ecstasy
A wave crashing over her
Her eyes closed, and she retreated inside herself with the pleasure
I was utterly alone
Physically inside someone, but alone
More alone then I ever had before
Or would be in my life
Not even sex, being as close as I could be to someone
Could create that overbearing exuberance
I would have to create my own
No circumstances could produce real happiness
The responsibility was mine
I don't know why sex was the straw
But it was
That was the day I grew up

Seeing Blind
the wind whips my cheeks
Stinging, an alert redness that
Opens and focuses my eyes
Whistling along the brick and past
A streetlamp, which sheds light
And allows me to see. To see
A blind women.  Who really sees
She knows not the color
Of the streetlamp's projections
Only of its warmth and that it is
No matter what color the brick
Inhabits.  A mere distraction.
It keeps here safe from the
Whipping wind.  So cold
On her face.  A reddish hugh
On the cheeks of the one
Who really sees.  Sees
All of us, for who we really
Are, the blinded.  For
The streetlamp is our curse.
Looking into the all-seeing
Eyes of the blind women.
Who really sees

Through the Windshield
the point of reference remains
Stationary.  Trees move by and by
a moving painting, through
The windshield, through the windshield
What mysteries, what possibilities
Daydream for hours, an escape
To a real place, new land
All ended in flames
As easily as anything, a trip to the ER

What possibilities 

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