
Fernando Giannotti is a writer, economist, and comedian from Dayton, Ohio. He is a member of the comedy troupe '5 Barely Employable Guys.' He holds a B.A. in Economics and History and an M.S. in Finance from Vanderbilt University as well as a B.A. in the Liberal Arts from Hauss College. A self-labeled doctor of cryptozoology, he continues to live the gonzo-transcendentalist lifestyle and strives to live an examined life.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Whey Casey Neistat’s Filmmaking Style is Popular

Whey Casey Neistat’s Filmmaking Style is Popular

            Casey Neistat is one of my favorite filmmakers and I have more than a hunch that I am not alone.  His youtube videos have over a billion views.  His ‘Do More’ Nike commercial and youtube videos such as ‘Bike Lanes’ show his unique style.  I will expostulate on why I like Casey Neistat’s style and why I think his style has such mass appeal to others. 
            First let me describe Casey Neistat’s style as I see it.  His youtube videos at their heart are simply video clips cut and put together in a specific order.  He makes his own titles and often credits by shooting them as video and adding them later, as opposed to using a program to generate them, such as windows movie maker or imovie.  Besides audio, his clips are rarely enhanced.  This gives his videos a very home movie feel and look, they are clearly not polished products of much editing and enhancement.  Since a large portion to a majority of his footage is filmed directly by himself, his videos have an inherent first person perspective, which is enhanced by his narrations.  In my opinion, his style is an anti-establishment way of filmmaking, perhaps even gonzo.  He doesn’t seek to produce a polished, glossed, enhanced, or finished quality to his films.  I believe this is at the heart of why so many people find his filmmaking style entertaining, both immediately in a visual sense and at a philosophical level.
            Visual media of all kinds ranging from magazines to television to movies is a highly polished product.  Photos and videos have been enhanced to maximize color contrast and balance.  The human subjects of those photos and videos have been enhanced as well; skin smoothed over, blemishes removed, muscles toned up, proportions altered, and so on.  Something like 95% of images and video are altered or enhanced in some way.  The enhancing and altering phenomena have become pervasive.  These enhanced, glossy, finished photos and videos are the normal and thus are no longer impressive.  Since they are so overwhelmingly common, the consumer takes them for granted; they no longer catch the user’s eye.  Given this world where the consumer is fully acculturated to visual smoothness, something less polished, something raw is bound to draw the consumer’s eye, simply out of fact that it is different from 95 to 99% of other more enhanced media.  I believe this is the first way Casey Neistat’s style stands out and excites people. 
            The second way Casey Neistat’s filmmaking style is popular is that it is original, that is, it appeals to peoples’ desire for the authentic.  How can a media that is so enhanced, so glossed, so altered be authentic?  The consumer knows that the image is an enhanced image designed to maximize its ascetic and emotional appeal to them.  I believe there is an inherent distrust consumers have built into the main mass media, based on the distortions the main media incorporate into their photos and videos.[1]  Consumers do not fully trust a media that alters its product so much.  There is a disconnect between consumers and the media products they consume.  Casey Neistat taps into that.  By not enhancing his videos and making them seem less professional, he is able to get viewers to trust him more because what they are viewing is not such a finely tuned finished product.   His films do not visually deceive the consumer.  By keeping them the way he shot them, his films have an authenticity that other more polished films cannot produce.  Casey Neistat taps into the human desire for the authentic. 
            This connection with the authentic that makes users pay attention to his videos, I believe is the reason why companies such as Nike and Jcrew hire Casey Neistat to make commercials for them.  These companies are trying to get a commercial that will get users to pay attention to their message, a glossy, enhanced commercial gets lost in the crowd with the other 95-99%.      
            So Casey Neistat’s filmmaking style is popular because his style is different than the mainstream and because his style appeals to the human desire for the authentic.                       

[1] Not just visually as well either, but rhetorically as well.  

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