
Fernando Giannotti is a writer, economist, and comedian from Dayton, Ohio. He is a member of the comedy troupe '5 Barely Employable Guys.' He holds a B.A. in Economics and History and an M.S. in Finance from Vanderbilt University as well as a B.A. in the Liberal Arts from Hauss College. A self-labeled doctor of cryptozoology, he continues to live the gonzo-transcendentalist lifestyle and strives to live an examined life.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Synopsis of The False Debate: An Antidote to Socialism and Laissez-Faire Capitalism with A General Way Forward

Synopsis: The False Debate: An Antidote to Socialism and Laissez-Faire Capitalism with A General Way Forward

The Case for a Limited Government with a Strong Social Safety Net in a Liberal Democracy with a Capitalist Economic System

The United States is being paralyzed by a false debate between two defunct ideologies on the extreme ends of the political spectrum.  Those ideologies are Socialism and Laissez-Faire Non-Interventionist Capitalism.  Both are illogical and have historically proven to be false.  We are wasting valuable time and effort debating and arguing over a false dichotomy.  We need to narrow our debate field by removing the extreme, illogical ends of the spectrum, to create a more productive debate.  We will continue to argue, but we must argue productively with logical and practical ideologies.  It is important we do this not only to better facilitate government action in solving domestic problems in the United States, but also to show that a liberal democracy can work and bring economic prosperity in a refutation of the Chinese authoritarian capitalist model.

The best and most logical socio-economic political philosophy that has been proven by history is a Strong Limited Government with a Strong Social Safety Net in a Liberal Democracy with a Capitalist Economic System.   This utilizes the best of both systems; the innovation and incentives of capitalism mixed with the safety of a public good through a social safety net.   

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