
Fernando Giannotti is a writer, economist, and comedian from Dayton, Ohio. He is a member of the comedy troupe '5 Barely Employable Guys.' He holds a B.A. in Economics and History and an M.S. in Finance from Vanderbilt University as well as a B.A. in the Liberal Arts from Hauss College. A self-labeled doctor of cryptozoology, he continues to live the gonzo-transcendentalist lifestyle and strives to live an examined life.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gonzo Notes - Bonnaroo 2013

Bonnaroo 2013 Notes

Friday 2013
-got to bonnaroo late.  About 7pm tonight.  Trying to find Brennan in this jungle.  Right by my car I saw two lesbian girls having sex.  Were ok attractive.  Good way to start off bonnaroo.
-overheard a girl.  Just blurted out at a guy.  "what's that documentary called?"
-breathing in the smell of marijuana.  Waiting for Paul McCarthy to come on.  Brennan just put together a two pointed chair, so prepared.  First hot dogs, Gatorade, now a two legged chair.  Crazy.  Still no sign of molly.  The watch continues.
-a little high.  Group with multicolored neon gallons that are glowing.  Moving them around pleasingly.  Warmly. 
-Paul McCarthy's still got it.  I mean literally, he's still got it.  Using a guitar from the 60's and from the original recording.
-1027pm, we're all puppets now
-its still early in bonnaroo, hard to gage what is going on.  People are still so exuberant, tolerant, optimistic, we haven't recked anything yet.  The smell in the air(besides the weed), is palpable.  Its a kind of careful, precarious, carelessness/abandon.  The feeling that anything is possible, that there are hurdles, but it doesn't matter, nothing matters.  All that matters is that we're here.  Out collective energy, you can't see it, but it will produce the wave we can ride.  Our energy will carry us through.  We're not thinking or planning, that would dull our energy.  Our energy will solve all those vague problems, the idea that we're on the right side of history.  Everything will somehow work out, I will somehow find Molly in this crowd of over 50,000.  We'll see how far the wave takes us to shore.  It may be years, but will find out if it crested to soon, or not at all. 
-Brennan just shouted "just got paid"
-crowd getting anxious for zz top.  Chanting.  Getting bit rowdy.
-little kid of all about 6 is getting down in his light up shoes.  He's braking out the break dancing moves.
-just saw some guy with a bacon strips t-shirt covered head to toe in glitter.
-don't zz stop
-just overheard two hipsters talking about Toms shoes and what they wanted to do that was just like it.  Then the guys was like, "whoa, you realize I'm wearing Toms shows right now."
-at pretty lights.  Really tired.  The lights and lasers are so intense.  The guy right next to me on my right is juggling these really intense light circles that keep changing.  Its right in my peripheral line and killing me kindly.  They are nit gloves with lights at the finger tips.  Another person asked to see them.  The guy to my right said he's triping so hard, he 'needs' them.  He's on the edge.  Where does that leave me? Disorientation at bonnaroo.  Strange smells, weed and strong expresso.
-crazy flags and idols on sticks.  Buzzlightyear, the grim reaper, blue angle jet, eagles, dinosaurs.  What does it all mean in the lights?  Doesn't matter march on.
-giant Parachute, like the one we use to have in grade school gym.  People using it the same way, just high.  No games, just the thrill of having a parachute.
-psychedelic Christmas light up barn that beckons all that walk by.  Strange dj/edm/line dancing inside.  What is this place.  Lots of hot blond girls.  What can this place not produce and I'm mostly sober.

-went to sleep last night with the sun roof open.  It wad quite cool last night and sleeping in the car wasn't a bad idea.  It was quite nice actually.  But, woke up this morning sweating like a dog in a Chinese restaurant.  I was covered in sweat.  Might have a sun burn too.  A weird place the energy of bonnaroo.  People with little sleep and little food willed on by the sense of shared energy.  The idea that at least for two more days, the world and its rules don't matter.  We get a break, an escape if you will.  And that's why the energy of bonnaroo will never collectively leave this farm in Manchester, Tennessee.  Its an escape.  Bonnaroo is like all the other youth/enlightenment events.  Instead of harnessing their energy and spirit to change the world people are disenchanted with, we are trying to escape it.  Much like the 60s youth counter-culture, much like every youth movement.  Only, the energy and attitudes here (bonnaroo) seem different.  There're not any of the lofty expectations, we don't have illusions that we are going to change the world or the way it operates.  Occupy wall street tried that.  Maybe the energy from that protest is gone.  Or maybe it goes back much farther.  Maybe the 60s era counter-culture failed.  Maybe we are still recovering from their collapse.  Maybe the cycle hasn't been replenished yet, their failure was so drastic.  Or maybe our protest was more nuanced,  not just fighting the explicit evil Vietnam war, maybe ours was/is about socio-economic class and socio-economic mobility and fairness in the US.  We weren't concerned with trying to find peace and enlightenment, or at least we realized you can't buy it for 5 to 10 dollars a hit.   whatever it is, the result is the same.  In the end its about escapism, trying to escape society instead of changing it.  The 60s counter-culture ended up trying to escape from their society.  But escape to where?  Escape to a fictitious world of drugs.  That's what drugs became to them a venue for escape, not a tool to achieve a goal.  They became the goal to many.  We can escape, but never for long enough.  Whatever the reasons, no one is seeking change at bonnaroo, just escape.  And that's ok, because it was never our goal to change, or at least its not our goal now.  All that matters is that we are here and our energy will carry us through the weekend.  And maybe a few of us will have one of those fleeting moments of crippling self doubt, that age so necessary for true honest clairvoyance.  If only, if only.
-1127am, beautiful day out.  Very cool breeze outside.  Outside cooler than my car.  People just relaxing.  Laying on my back, looking up at the sun roof of my car, blue sky, black guys (nothing racial meant by that, just describing the settings) playing a really intense game of football.  Tired, but happy.
-watching the light play off the ceiling of my car.  What am I doing with my life?  Why am I doing this trip, what do I want to accomplish?  All these notes I'm taking.  The sense that 'i've seen it'.  Looking back on past experiences, it seems so arbitrary.  But they did shape me, and make me who am I am.  Whether that is good I don't know.  I could relax and get a lot done.  Important things.  Are the experiences really all that crucial?  No matter how long you've lived your life, it seems like a minute. 
-trying to find people in a crowd sucks
-saw a guy wearing a 'rum ham' shirt in the run dmc style.
-just saw a girl with painted boobs.  They were huge.  Purple, yellow, and green.
-weird happenings in front of me.  Older white woman with a young Philippian boy.  Sex slave?  Can you still buy people?  In certain parts of the world probably yes.  The little Philippian boy is holding an onion in the hot smelting sun.  Strange happenings.  That onion must be disgusting.  Why?
-some people have a poll sign that is lined with neon lights with a picture of cookie monster on the top, surrounded by lights.
-still no sign of molly.  The watch continues.  Running on pure chance.  The ecstasy of expectation.
-right next to the grim reaper on a poll guy.
-shit.  The two guys in front of me are doing crystal
-love people.  The girl next to me just asked me to smile more.  Great happenings at bonnaroo.
-when I got back to my car at the end of last night night (Saturday night) the lights were on and the battery in the car was pretty much dead.  I don't know what happened.  The alarm was on too I think.  When I woke up the next morning people next to me offered to help me jump start my car.  People so friendly and nice.  Talked with them afterwards.  Pretty incredible people who live in st. Louis.  Wonderful happenings at bonnaroo.
-there is a giant stuffed panda surfing the crowd.  Incredible.  Pandamonium at bonnaroo.
-just met two girls that went to mtsu and are both actors in new york.  Living in new York and acting.  Cool.  One according to the old guy Philip, is a classic 1950s beauty.
-guy just clensed up and fainted next to me. 

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