
Fernando Giannotti is a writer, economist, and comedian from Dayton, Ohio. He is a member of the comedy troupe '5 Barely Employable Guys.' He holds a B.A. in Economics and History and an M.S. in Finance from Vanderbilt University as well as a B.A. in the Liberal Arts from Hauss College. A self-labeled doctor of cryptozoology, he continues to live the gonzo-transcendentalist lifestyle and strives to live an examined life.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Gun Control

Gun Control

            Few areas of discussion are more divisive and provoke stronger reactions than the current debate about gun control and the legal status of firearms in the United States.  A partly subjective debate about the interpretation and limits of the 2th amendment to the Constitution seems never ending with few chances of compromise on the horizon.  After the horrific events of Sandy Hook, Aura, and other tragic shootings, the call for gun control in the United States is perhaps nearing an apex.  In the spirit of this series of essays, I will argue that the current gun control debate within the United States does not address the core gun control issues that affect the vast majority of people and shooting deaths within the United States.  I will argue that the current debate does not discuss or aim to correct the fact that the overwhelming majority of gun crimes within the US involve illegally obtained guns, over 80%.  In addition I will also make a case for a political compromise that both the current moderate right and left can endorse that addresses the core issues behind most shooting incidents and specifically the shooting incidents that happen every day in America’s inner cities.  Before I continue, I would like to make an appeal to logic and to not become beholden to anecdotal evidence.  This author believes that any gun control measure that does not address the horrific state of illegal guns in the United States is a pyrrhic victory at best.
            The current debate within the majority of the United States and especially our elected leaders around the topic of gun control focuses on creating more stringent requirements for obtaining legal firearms.  After the tragedies of Aura, CO and Sandy Hook elementary, it is easy to see why there is a strong public reaction towards these measures.  After all, each incident involved a deranged individual, possibly suffering from mental health issues, who utilized legally purchased guns to devastating effect.  A national gun registry, limits on ammunition containers[1], more extensive background checks, and longer waiting periods may affect those seeking to do harm to others who decide to obtain their firearms legally.  If only the majority of crimes involving firearms occurred with legally obtained guns.  The sad reality is that over 80% of crimes involving guns occur with illegally obtained guns[2].  Therefore, when one takes a series stab at curtailing gun crimes in the United States, a policy that only focuses on illegal guns has the potential to affect at most 20% of gun crimes in the United States.  A national solution that affects at most 20% of the problem can hardly be considered an adequate solution.  Further evidence is given by the recent relaxation of gun control laws in Washington D.C., still the nations harshest.  For many years D.C. had one of the highest crime rates within the United States, overall and involving firearms.  In the first year after Washington D.C. residents were allowed to purchase hand guns, there was one single recorded shooting involving a legally purchased gun.  There was no discernable increase in crimes involving guns that could be attributed to the lifting of Washington D.C.’s previous firearms ban.    
Another important consideration when crafting a well thought out national policy to decrease gun crimes should be how the plan is viewed and considered in the media as well.  We should not correlate greater media attention of certain types of gun crimes with a notion of prevalence or frequency of those types of crimes.  Mass shootings of movie goers in Aura, CO and Sandy Hook elementary school were horrible tragedies that rightly deserved much media attention.  But because they deserved large amounts of media attention does not mean they are the typical or the most frequently occurring type of gun crime and while many people died in each incident, it does not mean that the majority of gun deaths happen in this particular type of gun crime, mass shootings.  The great media attention distorts our perspective somewhat from the reality of each situation.  While Aura and Sandy Hook were terrible tragedies, they were still relatively rare occurrences.  They should never have happened, but they are rare occurrences.  Many crime statistics report that mass shootings are actually declining in the United States.  The victims in each were killed by uniquely motivated individuals, individuals that would most likely have used other means of destruction if firearms were made unavailable to them.  Aura and Sandy Hook were not accidental deaths from a robbery gone wrong or a gang motivated shooting, they were planned and perpetrated by individuals with abnormal motivations and goals. 
And while Aura and Sandy Hook, in the grand scheme of gun crimes, were rare events, every single day children and young adults are being killed by illegally obtained guns in America’s inner cities.  Why are we not as outraged by this daily occurrence of death in our inner cities?  Perhaps we have become acculturated to it, that we are no longer shocked into action.  The vast majority of shootings in our inner cities involve illegally obtained guns.  The average mafia member, gangbanger, or cartel member could not pass many background checks required for legal purchase of firearms.  Therefore a national solution must focus on and address illegally obtained firearms as well as unregulated loopholes such as gun shows and outdated laws in order to curtail the gun violence that is killing people every single day in America’s inner cities.  Focusing on limiting access to guns by those who seek guns through illegal channels will not prevent criminals from obtaining guns. 
Given that the vast majority of gun crimes involve illegally obtained firearms, I believe a politically viable solution for both major parties exists that will also tackle the largest portion of gun crimes in the United States.  Those on the left that advocate for a gun control policy which incorporates greater limits on access to firearms obtained legally, should have very little, if any, opposition to legislation tackling illegal firearms.  Those on the right who advocate gun owner rights for legal gun owners should provide very little if any opposition as well.  By removing illegal guns which account for over 80% of gun crimes, the United States is decreasing the overall destruction and loss of life caused by guns, which is the stated goal of enacting gun control legislation of those on the left.  By removing illegal guns, the United States is being tough on crime by depriving criminals of the most common weapon of deadly force and decreasing gun crimes which paint all guns, including legal guns, in a highly negative light, the aim of contemporary conservative agendas.  Any compromise between the left and right political factions in the United States will have to center on a common ground, built by small concessions on each side.  Those on the left will have to abandon their desire for removing legal guns from society.  If a person is a law abiding citizen, who can pass a background check, they should have the right to own gun.[3]  The left will have to grant the rights of law abiding citizens who can pass a background check to own guns.  Those on the right will have to accept limitations on illegally purchased guns and gun loopholes, aimed at individuals ability to purchase firearms illegally, not legal firearm purchases.  To achieve the aim of placing limitations on illegal firearm purchases, the right will have to accept laws limiting the behavior and access to illegal firearms and greater regulation of firearm dealers including gun shows.  Admittedly, given the current political climate this may be difficult to say the least.   The right has showed an extreme unwillingness to compromise on any aspect of gun control, even gun control focused on illegal firearms.  The tradeoff between left and right will be thus; the right accepts greater regulation and requirements on the gun industry in exchange for protections of legal gun owners, the undeniable right of law abiding citizens to own firearms.  Under this agreement, the right acquiesces to gun regulation focused on illegally obtained firearms in exchange for the left agreeing to draw the line with illegally obtained firearms, the right wins the right to own firearms, which is what they claim is the reason they are fighting the left tooth and nail.  Also, focusing on illegal firearms aligns with the rights desire to be ‘tough’ on crime and eliminates the gun crime.  I believe illegal guns to be the most likely avenue, within the current gun debate, the right may be willing to regulate.  Under this agreement, the left is allowed to pass legislation limiting illegally obtained guns, the guns involved in over 80% of gun crimes, saving thousands of lives annually, the left’s stated reason for pursuing gun control.  I believe this basic compact will be necessary to move forward.  Focusing on illegal guns is not only the most effective way to decrease gun violence in the United States, but also the most politically feasible as well.
Within the guise of regulating the gun industry, there are a few specific areas of concern I would like to call attention to and elaborate on; gun shows, unlicensed dealers, and loopholes in gun selling laws.  First, proper regulation of gun shows should be of paramount priority, specifically the regulation of unlicensed gun dealers who sell weapons at these shows.  Gun shows are ill regulated and provide an easy route for those wishing to purchase guns outside of the legal system.  Guns obtained illegally at gun shows also provided the bulk of firearms used by Mexican drug cartels in Mexico, which means that illegal American guns were used in the killing of tens of thousands of Mexicans during the drug wars between Mexican drug cartels.  Gun shows either need to be properly monitored and regulated or shut down entirely.  Proper regulation of gun shows and the unlicensed venders who find a home in gun shows will greatly reduce the flow illegal guns into the hands of criminals.  
Many states have loopholes in their gun laws that allow for guns to be sold to individuals who under normal circumstances would not be able to purchase guns.  For example many states have a loophole that specifies that if a gun store is going out of business they may sell guns to whoever they wish regardless of existing laws.  We need to close these loopholes.  In a similar fashion we need to enact serious penalties for breaking these new laws and engaging in the unlicensed and unregulated sale of firearms.  Ultimately the United States needs to create a properly regulated market for the buying and selling of guns.  A market where responsible law abiding citizens have the ability to purchase guns and criminals are prevented from obtaining guns and their deadly potential should be the general goal of those overseeing a regulated market.   In order to achieve a properly functioning regulated market the US must make gun sales by unlicensed dealers illegal and crack down on those dealers that persist.  Authorities should also crack down on the sale of guns by pawn shops and other secondary markets.     
Another option could be the creation of a national or statewide gun registry.  We currently require and have a registry for cars, why not one for guns.  Vehicular deaths far outpace gun deaths annually in the United States.  We also require citizens to obtain basic credentials for operating a motor vehicle, a driver’s license; so that other drivers know each person has passed certain criteria for safe driving.  Perhaps one needs a license to operate a gun.  A basic set of guidelines that need to be met, proper usage procedures and safe storage information perhaps could be obtained in order to operate a gun.  It would not illegal to own a gun, but to properly utilize one without a license.  We have licenses for cars and they do not infringe on the rights of individuals to own weapons, neither does a registry.  We restrict criminals from voting, so there is a president for the suspension of certain civil rights.  We also keep track of criminals after they have been paroled, when they have supposedly paid their debt to society.  What this last point is getting at is that there is a precedent for placing restrictions on the rights of some individuals.  So placing restrictions on criminals from obtaining guns has a precedent.   
In my opinion, most of the debate around gun control in the United States is a false debate.  Those advocating on each side of the debate are motivated more by ideology and ideological purity than finding a pragmatic solution to save the lives of Americans who are killed every year by gun violence.  A pragmatic solution that works to deprive criminals of guns by shutting down secondary markets is the most effective solution.  By going after illegally obtained guns, the United States will be going after guns involved in over 80% of gun crimes.  The pragmatic central elements of each of the two main political parties can find a politically acceptable solution to the gun debate in the United States.  By focusing more on a pragmatic solution that address the real core issues of the gun debate, the United States can create a safer country that also respects the individual rights of gun owners.

[1] Upon inspection, this seems to be an arbitrary restriction.  For example, removing 9 round clips in exchange for 7 round clips, seems an arbitrary distinction.  What is to stop a person from buying two 7 round clips? 
[2] Illegally obtained – referring to guns obtained through secondary markets: gun shows, pawn shops, unlicensed dealers, personal sales, thefts, etc.
[3] Guns are a force equalizer.  The physical attributes of the user are relegated to secondary importance one they are wielding a gun.  There are several safety and societal implications of the force equalizing capacity of guns.  One being, they do allow for women to achieve parity with men, where without a gun, a women is at a distinct physical disadvantage against a man wishing to do her harm.   

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