
Fernando Giannotti is a writer, economist, and comedian from Dayton, Ohio. He is a member of the comedy troupe '5 Barely Employable Guys.' He holds a B.A. in Economics and History and an M.S. in Finance from Vanderbilt University as well as a B.A. in the Liberal Arts from Hauss College. A self-labeled doctor of cryptozoology, he continues to live the gonzo-transcendentalist lifestyle and strives to live an examined life.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gonzo Notes - Fear and Loathing in Kentucky Part 1

Fear and Loathing in Kentucky Part 1

-may 2, 10pm, currently at a loves gas station somewhere in the dismal waste land between Louisville and cincinnati.  The road is completely fucked, backed up for hours.  Got off at loves exit, many others had the same idea.  So many people just hanging out and chatting, it's a bit lively actually.  Random assortment of people here.  Fat asian guy to my right drinking two cartons on milk.  Kind of hot girl, the kind of hot that comes from working out a lot.  Black dude with three foot dreds.Odd juxstoposition of music - alternates from backstreet boys and james morrison.  In the right pissed off/ relieved state to enjoy this.  Prognosis - not god, slipping closer and closer towards the edge....

Lost most of what I wrote because my shit bb crashed again.  Two police cars pulled up.  Its over. 

UPS guy and a family, probably homeless next to me.  Probably I've in there car.  Father told his kids that he bought them honey buns to eat the next morning.  That's sad.  This place and this night keep getting weirder.  I really need to get home or get some sleep.  I'm. Teetering on the edge.
Just walked outside.  There are a bunch of fat white trash girls fighting over something at the pump.  One girl just slapped the other girl.  Now the other girl is talking about how the other one is to be on jail.  And the whole time the loud speaker is urging people to move on and remain calm in an orderly fashion.  Maybe I should rethink my opposition to reality television and soap operas.  This is quite entertaining.  What has become of me.  Why is this place making me question how I think and how I love my life.  Fear and loathing in Kentucky.  Crazy.  Five people to my left watching.  Its a speckle.  One guy is running up with his phone to record it.  Am I off the edge.  What has happened here tonight?  Now the police are booking the two girls, I'm sure diabetes will do the rest.  Better get back on the road.  Nothing better than driving when you've gone off the edge.

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