
Fernando Giannotti is a writer, economist, and comedian from Dayton, Ohio. He is a member of the comedy troupe '5 Barely Employable Guys.' He holds a B.A. in Economics and History and an M.S. in Finance from Vanderbilt University as well as a B.A. in the Liberal Arts from Hauss College. A self-labeled doctor of cryptozoology, he continues to live the gonzo-transcendentalist lifestyle and strives to live an examined life.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gonzo Notes - Fear and Loathing on the Way to Sundance 2014

Fear and Loathing on the way to Sundance - Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana

-Just started off my trip. Freezing. Negative 5 below. With wind chill -22. Racing to get down and time. Missing the BC S national championship game. Hoping to get down in time before my friends apartment before he goes to sleep. Wind is brutal shaking the car. Cold maybe Low tire pressure. Gotta keep going on. Always pressure on these trips. Down to Nashville. Wouldn't have it any other way makes it exciting.
-944pm, Monday night.  Auburn is up on Florida state.  I just stopped at a rural gas station in Kentucky.  It was quite in disrepair except for the bathroom.  It had new clean tile, toilet and sink.  I've noticed this about gas stations in Kentucky the past few months  travelling.  They seem to be getting gas station bathrooms right.  Way to improve Kentucky.
-Just passed the giant adult bookstore Kentucky. Looks like a strip mall. But it only has one store one giant adult book store. Should say bookstores adult entertainment? From the right angle the highway you can see in. And catch flashing lights command of the inside. What an odd place to put an adult emporium? Or perhaps pure genius. Either way one of the Great American. Roadside attractions.
-Just passed giant T Rex. Holding a sign for dinosaur world Kentucky. Another Great American roadside stop. Damn had something better for that.
-The moon is very big out right now, as I'm driving.  Its visibly very large, larger than I've ever seen driving this route to Kentucky. It has a light yellowish golden color to it.  You can only see the bottom 15%.  The rest is obscured by what looks like fog.  But it can't be fog. Must be an atmospheric illusion. It just hangs there big golden yellow. And now as i look up its gone just like that. Strange momentary happenings. Ever fascinating.
-Just entered Kentucky driving from Tennessee to Saint Louis. Just saw an overturned brinks truck in the median. Back doors unhinged front really crushed. No other cars personal damaged any distance. Did I just witness the highway robbery or the aftermath at least? Are there still highway robbery in the us anymore? Exciting times on the road to Sundance. If brinks trucks are being robbed in plain daylight on American highways, what hope is there for the rest of us?  Tire pressure still low.  Pressing on.
-Auto detail the nearest driving on highway. So many tire parts in hollowed out tires the side of the road sometimes the middle of the highway in between lanes. You can see the tire tracks running off the side of the road. Very dark and very visible. It looks like someone's get off for have a break the middle crash. But there so frequent. Several of remailer so. It could be that many accidents can there. Earlier about half an hour ago. Truck in front of me dropped the orange construction warning cone out the back of his bed and exploded into several pieces went to the highway. I had to swerve to avoid it. Apparently caution breaks down the highway. No room for mistakes on the American highway. I ponder this as I speed 15-20 over the speed limit on this desperate race to Saint Louis. Perhaps now I'm driving on the edge. All tired from 2 nights lack of sleep and highly caffeinated. I don't think I’m anywhere close to the edge. The trouble the edge is the only people who really know where it is, are the ones who already gone over it. So I keep racing on the way to St Louis see my friend.
-Paducah Kentucky next 5 exits. Paducah keeps haunting me it seems like the past 200 miles of seeing signs for it. Why paducah? I'm not sure. But each time I look up there is there's the sign.  Just saw sign for paducah again last exit 5 miles. What strange happenings happen in paducah Kentucky? Is paducah the center of the universe?
-Just passed through paducah. It's actually really big a lot bigger than I ever thought it would be. Maybe not 5 highway exits big But still picking up at 3. Just passed a sign for another paducah exit.  it seriously a lot bigger than I thought
-Only 4 miles away from metropolis Illinois. An entire Superman themed town. Now I know Why metropolises looking on the highway of death. Troubles need the foiled Superman it needs the evil. It needs the highway of death. And I will Def needs metropolis. Classic American good versus evil story. Fear and loathing on the way to Sundance.
-Got stuck in hipster part of st. Louis.  Car stuck in the streets still covered in snow.  How can you call this a city?  You live in a city yet all the roads are covered in snow, then a block away a single clear street.  Arbitrary.  A hipster got out of his car to help us push.  We had to work at it for 15 minutes.  Great guy.  Possibly changed my view in hipsters.  Then we got stuck two more times.  Each instance people came out to help us.  Last time we had five people pushing our car.  St. Louis has stolen the city of Angeles nickname from Los Angeles.  how impressive, who says the Midwest is bad.  Great people.  Is this the logical end to the highway of death?  The pot of gold at he end of the rainbow?  Anyway, st. Louis has forever impressed me. 
-On the road leaving Saint Louis. Leaving the city of Angels. And all its good Samaritans behind. Back on the icy highway of death. I can't see any of the tire tracks anymore. The desperate skid marks. The snow is cover them up along with the probable bodies. Little after 6 am this morning. Earliest I've been up in months. Got maybe 2 hours of sleep maybe 2 and a half if I'm lucky. To some degree in regards to the melatonin I took last night, I don't think the effects have quite worn off yet. Combined with my rabid tired state it's gonna be fun. 12 hours to Denver. Maybe a stop in Kansas City for food of not straight run. My God so early the sunlight hasn’t even come out yet. Highly caffeinated running on B vitamins the moment. 2 hours sleep and B vitamins should be good. Got to take notes about this part of the trip.  I highly doubt I'll remember this part.
-Crossing the narrow Lake heading West away St Louis. Is nothing there about it home? What's deslatte dark and depressing? Frozen over. Partially frozen over with blocks of ice covered in snow bloating little circles in the Lake. Looks like pictures of industrial siberia. Looks like a depressing collective industrial Soviet city. No ones there. I guess the fitting start to my Sprint across the frozen tundra of the American interior. The B vitamins are starting to kick in. Don't know the last much longer than Kansas City though.
-In retrospect these notes may seem wild crazy depraved self centered esoteric. Hopelessly esoteric. Undecipherable except to only the most remote amazonian tribes. In a way a weird kind of high for me.
-I don't know what it is But I feel really sharp right now. I mean I'm groggy I've got a headache. But I feel I can really think sharply come through everything else. I don't know if it's because I'm so tired all the proof real things the mind usually worries about, your base survival instincts, are not a concern of mine at the moment. So maybe the limited energy that I do have is being channeled almost exclusively into thought. Like my energy is being used more efficiently. I mean isn't base human survival built into our society. Is it part of the social contract we have given up individual power? For ease of security and human want. Maybe I should wake up early with less sleep more often.
-the interior of Missouri in the winter is quite beautiful.  In this light snow storm reminds me of Ohio.  Looks like it.  The way the snow sticks to the trees and the yellow tall grass sprouts up through the snow banks and snow covered fields.
-the hallucinations may be starting
-Strange signs passing along road. Larry's boots. China garden buffet. Why are there Chinese restaurants everywhere? Even in the middle of nowhere Missouri. The most well traveled people of all. A sign that says just Google us. Followed by William something graduate college. It bit to remember. A sign for a pet lodge saying pet paradise. Apparently a large demand in Missouri. Sign for passions adult book store. Why are there so many adult bookstores in the middle of nowhere? Just like Kentucky. And of course a sign for a chili's. George's pizza and subs. Probably means a lot of people live here. All the signs.
-Passed the other exit sign for larry's boots. Space about 20 minutes apart from each exit sign. Larry must really be the boot king out here. Glad to see he's overcome his handicap of having a very common and unenthusiastic name.
-About 10 miles past Columbia Missouri heading West North Kansas City. Interesting landscape around here. Looks almost like frozen Boggs.  Could seem desolate to many people.  But have a beauty all of its own.
-Just passed an adult superstore. Superstore.
-Just passed a deputy Sheriff car. It said deputy sheriff on the side. I didn't know deputy sheriffs get their own special paint job.
-Now we are getting into the farm fields. The landscaper is all farms and silos.
-Just saw a ratty old slightly dilapidated wooden sign off of the highway for Swan Lake RV park Country Club. An RV park Country Club. So stimulated intrigued right now. I think I'm nearing the end of my heightened and mental state I rambled about earlier in the day. God help me.
-Gluttony in Kansas City.  Just downed a pork plate and a brisket plate at Oklahoma Joe's.  Thoroughly satisfied.  Then got gas from the world's slowest pump, Oklahoma Joe's is attached/in a gas station.
-decided to take a detour to Topeka.  Smaller than Dayton.  But a gigantic state house.  Their state house is huge.  Great statue on top. (think it is Apollo shooting an arrow).
-tolls in Kansas?  Really?  They are everywhere.
-a great deal more trees in Kansas than I thought.
-The Suns coming out now over the Kansas Prairie it's quite beautiful. Flatter than Ohio. Lots of open ground. It's very beautiful.
-at the moment there aren't many clouds.  And clouds that are out, are faint.  Almost like white etched in a light blue sky.
-Now I'm in the prairies. No trees. Just slightly rolling Hills of fields. As far as you can see. Space is so much more of a cogent factor out here. It's everywhere you can't hide it. It influences the way you think. It's incredible. Beautiful. Wide open spaces are ever present. Wow.
-just passed a giant Eldorado lake, completely frozen over with trees sticking out of the ice and snow.  Its pretty big too.  On the road south to Wichita.
-with a bit of light sneaking through the clouds, with all the wide open space, it looks like a sliver of heaven is peering down to earth.
-in Wichita.  Woke up for an interview.  Now walking to the beacon for late breakfast.  The air is different out here.  Can't quite identity it, but it smells rustic, i know that doesn't make any sense.  It smells like something still usable but a bit aged, not outdated, just aged.  Its noticeable but slight.  Looking at ribbit computers on Douglass street.  Coolest computer store I've seen yet.
-Wichita is a very hipster city.  So many small unique shops that I don't think could survive in modern America, like ribbit computers for instance.  Not best buy or circuit city.  Maybe Wichita's relatively isolated location affords it independence, culturally materialistically at least.  Perhaps that's why there is a hipster alternative vibe, its their independence.  Seems much less commercialized.  Without the kind of sameness offered by endless nation wide chains.  Perhaps people are very happy here.  It wouldn’t surprise me.  And perhaps they are happy on a remote metaphysical level most of us are not even aware of.  Very glad I've been to Wichita.  Strange happens.  Bright spots on the highway of death.
-somewhere in the Kansas prairie northwest of Wichita.  I've seen lots of oil wells, like the kind in movies about west Texas.  I've seen a lot actually.  Very cool.  Don't see that in the mid west.
-Just passed a sign for lindsborg. A little Swedish village Inn Kansas. Crazy odd unique specific things in the middle of nowhere. Seems plausible when you consider that there are small communities of Germans living isolated and interior Brazil and Argentina.  The relative remoteness of Kansas might allow for individual cultures to avoid the mainstream melting pot that is our American way.  The isolated Kansas Prairie gives them the freedom to exist independently in as they want.  Strange side pockets of freedom on the highway of death.  No wonder dorothy's strange tale in the wizard of Oz happened in Kansas.
-I'm not sure whether it's the combination of the beautifully desolate Kansas Prairie the copious amounts of Red Bull or the bits of neosporin I've swallowed in advertently as I medicate my lips with this amazonian miracle drug but little patches of green spots are appearing in the night over the Kansas Prairie.
-got off the highway in Kansas and drove north on a dirt road to get away from the light pollution.  Literally on a diet road in Kansas.  Right when I got off the highway, it was a dirt road.  The dirt is dryer than dirt in Ohio.  I can see how the dust bowl was so devastating and why tornados pick up so much steam.  The stars are brighter and I can see more.  Not the milky way, but I can see a few more.  This little sojourn has been very cool.
-Kansas really isn't as sparsely populated as people think, People East of the Mississippi. Fairly regularly I pass exits all the time. The are not huge But usually have a gas station or 2 and a few chain restaurants like 2 or 3. It's really not as empty as people think.
-Just passed the highway sign more of a billboard on the side of the highway.  It had Jesus in a wheat field. The only part of him that were visible was his head and one hand holding a sliver of wheat.
-There really are wide open spaces out here in Kansas. The horizon seems bigger. Seems like you could almost drop off the face of the earth.  Just passed Goodland Kansas.
-a little way onto Colorado.  Stopped off to get gas, the gas station was called Loaf'n Jug. My imagination was running wild.  The service attendant at the counter was very well spoken and had incredible enunciation.  Then the men's restroom was painfully clean and scented, with a fruit like scent.  Strange happenings off the highway of death.
-Denver is really cool.  Lots of lights at night.  Very well lit up city.  Seams like lots of granola crunching hippis, the kind that are in really good shape. Lots of cool unique places, very clean, maybe the relative isolation has helped their independence.  Much bigger than I thought.
-I couldn't see the mountains last night, but I can this morning they are beautiful. 
-bought weed at a legal pot store in Denver.  Evergreen apothecary.  There was a long line out front.  I met a women in mine who is from Baltimore, went to school at the university of dayton, and now lives in Denver.  Incredibly nice and open.  I suspect many people are like that in Denver.  Got asked several questions from my driver's license by the cop when I entered.  Bought a t-shirt and ounce of weed, two different varieties, the legal limit.  Hid it in my glove box and locked it.  Got a certificate for buying it legally.  Very nice place and people.  Bought pot legally.
-been driving through the mountains west of Denver, absolutely beautiful.  Almost can't describe it.  Really incredible.  You don't get that out east.  With the pine trees, incredible.
-I cannot get over how beautiful driving through these mountains is. Astonishingly beautiful.
-Out here in the mountains.  Its beautiful bit abut discombobulating.  I've got a bit of a headache.  The sense of height is everywhere forced upon your gaze.  Memorizing, humbling.  Up then down, up then down.  Wobbling.
-Just went through the Eisenhower tunnel.  Maybe longest tunnel of life.  Really long.  Each passing moment brings even more beautiful scenes.
-Definitely have altitude sickness.
-Strange happenings on the road to Sundance. 20 miles past rocky mountains. All kinds of green shapes and green sheets are popping up beside the highway. Almost daring each other to cross. Am I hallucinating. Are these the wishes of a desperate tired subconscious mind? now Utah.
-Southern Utah is really the area of the country where there isn't anything at all or appears that way. Kansas and Colorado had regular pockets of civilization But Utah in the South doesn't seem to have any of those regular little pockets of civilization.  It's the no-man's-land that people back out East think the entire western part of the US is. I thought this is what Kansas was going to be like.  Its been 20 minutes and I haven't seen any sign of civilization.  The highway of death has reached its zenith in southern Utah.  It has succeeded. Nothing lose and there's no hope insight.
-that is one thing I've noticed from my trip visiting my friends.  Most aren't happy.  They're not content. 
-ate dinner at the red iguana in SLC.
-ate at Bruges waffles in SLC.  Had waffles with ice cream chocolate and raspberries.  Also frites with spicy mayonnaise.  Met a guy from Corvallis Oregon in the waffle place.  Really cool.  He gave me a lot of insights into Sundance.  He said everyone is trying to network, Sundance isn't a relaxed chill environment.  Still its a giant party.  He was/is really hipster.  Very cool guy.  Also met the waitress there very cool, also from Oregon.
-at the state capital building now.  A women is getting her picture taken in her wedding dress on the steps of the state legislature building.  Probably because of the absolutely incredible views.  I mean really incredible views.  With the sun reflecting off the mountains and down onto he city, its incredible.  SLC is really beautiful.  Just standing on a ledge on the capital building looking out on the city, the mountains, the lake, memorizing.
-went to see the main Mormon temple/tabernacle.  When I walked in I was given an impromptu tour of the main complex by a very nice and not in the least pushy man and later a women.  Trying to convert me through kindness.  Leaned all he stones were carved by hands by settlers that had to give 10% of their time to the building of the church.  Each settler was assigned one block.  It took them 40 years to build.  When the union army came they buried what they had dome so they wouldn't know what they were up to.  Cool experience .   they guy told me I was a good looking guy and could be in movies.  At least I appeal to the Mormon audience.
-930pm, at crown burger.  Getting the crown burger with pastrami.
-at a bar in park city.  Just saw a hipster guy wearing sandals with rolled up jeans.
-went to indywire party.  Huge networking event.  Had a run in with a costa Rican girl dressed as wonder women.  She makes a web series about wonder women saving things throughout different cities, recently LA.  She had me ask her to help with pandas on camera.  Crazy.
-met Lance Bass at underground party in deer valley lodge garage.  Really cool underground party.  Workflow.    curtains separate the parking garage from the constructed dance floor.  You could still see the cars.  Free open bar.  When all the girls were dancing on stage there was one very large chested red head.  I helped her off the stage and saw her later.  Got her number.  She said I'm a cuter Spiderman and she's Mary Jane.  Very cute, very large chest.
-drunk conversations about films and Bradley cooper in cab with random people.
-saw Robert Redford at Eccles theatre.
-lot of posh girls arriving at Sundance.  A lot of hipster posh
-saw a movie in salt lake city.  Different experience.  Much less networking.  People are a bit more down to earth less in the industry.  Better questions and comments.  Very different than park city. 
-loved a white bird in a blizzard.  And the director.
-in line at Sundance channel HQ for free coffee.  Two women in front of me are complaining about the free coffee line......
-went and checked out slamdance today, the 22nd.  Very cool, much less pretentious.  More down to earth accepting and in general friendly people.  Like it a bit better than Sundance, slamdance is the underdog, the underdog you want to root for.
-just watched 'Listen Up Philip'. The best I've seen so far.
-just saw kinderwald at Slamdance.  People sitting on the edges and the floor.  All the seats are chairs arranged.  Very cool very relaxed.  The movie was more artistic and much longer than Sundance films.  The explanations by the filmmakers and actors are much more detailed and tangible.  More practical, the nuts and bolts.  No layers of pretentions or self-importance limiting human interactions.  The dialogue is more true and genuine.  More truth here.
-when you make a film you really make these films.  You write one, you shoot one, and you edit one. 
-been to airbnb, YouTube, and ketel one parties.  Free booze
-I loved Zach braff's new movie.  I saw it at the right time in my life.  The right time in the festival.   his kickstarter reached its goal in 48 hours
-went to Sundance after party Saturday night after the awards after party, so after after party.  Strange happenings at this Sundance after after party.  Was at a great place, three story townhouse with hot tub.  Inhabited by a bunch of people who met at Sundance from all over the US, Chicago, SF, LA.  All kind of hipster.  Met a guy from SF who owns restaurants, one called skool.  Looks just like Brian Greenberg and sounds like him.  Cool guy.  They were pulling girls into the hot tub, even though many had girlfriends.  Good time.  Walked all the way back in the cold, for like 20 minutes.  Got back at like 445am.  Made s'mores, passed out on floor
-I didn't realize Salt Lake city has so much smog.  It's worse than anything I've ever seen smog wise. You can barely see any of the buildings downtown for the capital building.
-Driving to arches National Park right now. Driving behind a truck or van with a giant trash bag or series of trash bags pie to the top of it.  Barreling through the Utah, middle of, with the open desert kind of plains and red barely snow covered mountains in the background, all around.
-Stopped at a gas station.  They had discounts for using cash.  I guess hard currency is hard to come by here, in rural Utah. January 28, 2014
-got pulled over by a cop doing 79 in a 65.  He have me a ticket for doing 9 over.  Really nice guy.  The basic decency of Americans.
-found out in arches national park that I didn't get the Fulbright.
-standing here underneath the double arch in arches national park, I forget about all of my fears and troubles.   only happy thoughts pervade briefly.  What would Thoreau say?  I don't have time to think about it.  Would love to nature journal here though.
-just passed the pillow talk motel
-am able to pick up one radio station.  And picked up with difficulty.  The radio display kept recycling around all the stations on the display when I hit seek.  Really in the middle of nowhere, with mountains. 
-Went to 'the pie hole' in SLC.  Two or the four slices I bought were were vegan without tomato sauce.  They had lots of vegetables and pineapple to compensate.
-Wednesday the 29th of January 2014.  Sitting in the park cafe in SLC listening to three hipsters discuss when radiohead stopped making art and sold out.  And discussing if they ever did sell out.  Discussion started about a professor one had in his first ever university class trying to explain a type of matrix theory that no one understood and deriding them as dumb.  Apparently he also has theories on radiohead.  Listening to morons.  Also, this chai tea is infuckingcredible.
-January 30, 2014.  Random encounters that lead to much bigger things no matter how esoteric they may seem.  Sitting in Coffee Garden in Salt Lake city to use the internet.  I saw a hipsterish girl sitting across from me wearing a 'I killed Laura Palmer' black t-shirt.  I googled the name and found it was from a David Lynch television series 'Twin Peaks'.  It sounds quite interesting.  Getting into film has been quite fun.  I've followed my curiosity and its taken me to strange places.
-sometime after 6pm mountain time.  Stopped in Evanston, Wyoming, exit 3.  I have just experienced the worlds best gas station hands down.  It it the chevron gas station.  Every thing is incredibly clean and modern.  Floors and bathrooms factiously clean and orderly.  HD tv for customers.  Very friendly genial people.  Incredible selection of food and beverages.  They carry vanilla coke.  Cinnamon bears, wow.  Blueberry yogurt fruit snacks.  If this is any indication of Wyoming, what an incredible state.
-Wyoming really isn't as desolate and unpopulated as people make it out to be.  I passed lots of rest stops in highway exits with shops and generic restaurants along the way. Between Salt Lake city and Rawlings.  Between Rawlings and Casper there isn't much though.  I bet it looks really cool the landscape. But at night I can't see very much.
-I hit a very large rabbit. That ran across the road. Upsetting. It was very large.
-February 1st, 2014.  Waiting for a table at Eggington's Restaurant in Casper Wyoming.  A very very attractive blonde girl is with some guy sitting right across the waiting area from me.  She is Victoria secret model hot.  Wow.  Maybe Casper isn't all that bad as people east of the Mississippi make it out to be.
-seen lots of hipster girls in Egginton's.  Lots of Buddy Holiday glasses that look like mine. 
-You can get cappuccino and cafĂ© au lait at Eggington's.  I've ordered the breakfast quiche and breakfast tomalis.  Casper also has multiple Asian restaurants.  Much much more cosmopolitan than I've been lead to believe.  Elitism is ripe in the US.  As I've gone across the country I've found people's lives to be mostly the same everywhere, just maybe with a few more options in other parts.  I've also come to appreciate the decency of traditional post discovery Americans, the Americans in the giant red middle.  A classic affirmation of all that is decent and good with the American spirit.  Quite a nice place.  Nothing to be scared of or look down upon.  People living decent honest hardworking lives.  Hipsters dislike anyone who lives in a flyover state or has a real job.  They the one's missing out.  The cappuccino is pretty good.  Had to come all the way to Wyoming to reaffirm that simple truth.  The orange juice is incredible too.
-gluttony in Casper, Wyoming
-The sky is so blue in Wyoming. I've never seen something so expensive and blue before. Such a sense of space.
-Driving through edgerton Wyoming. The sign said population 195. Very cool little town. Nestled among what seems to be North East Wyoming landscape. A combination of prairies, slight rolling Hills, and rock formations. Like smaller duller rock formations like I saw on arches National Park.
-There are lots of Little Rock protrusions or outcroppings that just up out of the Hill. That look like and Abby. Or monastery that you find in France or Italy. Wyoming is beautiful.
-just passed a heard of bison on a farm
-Just passed a giant coal pit.      like the ones you hear about on the news.  It was closed to the public.  It was really deep. 
-Cool signs you see along the road in Gillette, WY.  Old Chicago beer and tap room.  All throughout WY lots of prefabricated houses
-I've passed so many train cars filled with coal.  Seems like to go on for miles. So much cool being transported out of Wyoming.
-Pretty crazy right now. Barreling through northwest Wyoming towards Devils tower. With a seemingly endless train caring seemingly endless cars of coal running beside the highway in me. As they raced through the golden Wyoming prairies.
-Watched the sun set over the valley below devils tower.  Absolutely beautiful Wyoming.
-Last person at devils tower. 
-The road I'm taking now away from Devils tower does it have any lights or signs on it, yet it's supposed to be a highway. Crazy.
-just stopped at another leaf n jug, this time in south Dakota.  I've become quite the American gas station conninsieur. 
-strange happenings at the grand gateway hotel in rapid city south Dakota.  There is a combination pool/karaoke/swimming pool area right after one checks in at the front desk.  Walking past the fun pool concourse area, a piano can be heard.  There appear to be quite a lot of people staying here.  The pool/karaoke/swimming pool area is packed.  Walking out to my car, I found three people talking outside without jackets.  What has happened to these people?  Is there heart pumping molten lava?  Have they adapted to this climate along with the pretty much Canadian accent?  Are they promiscuous?  Seem to not need others for warmth.  Would two bodies that close together be like having sex on the surface of the sun for them?  Where will it end?  Those poor creatures.
-Reflecting on my time on the road so far, I've reaffirmed that you cannot racialize poverty.  Travel around to different parts of the country, and poverty and the working class are the same, the color of skin changes, but the stories are the same.  The details are different but the core story is the same, black white or Hispanic, its the same.  Driving through and stopping in Wyoming and south Dakota proves this.  Poor whites doing the same jobs blacks do in the south.  If only the working class could work together unite around a common cause, then they'd have real power to affect change for themselves on a national stage.
-currently at independent ale house in rapid city SD.  Pretty cool, pretty hipster.  Fun place.  Ordered a pizza and south Dakota beer.  Got the three little pigs pizza.  Tomato sauce, spinach, garlic, pepperoni, sausage, and bacon.
-not a single non-white person here at independent ale house.
-saw a poster as I was leaving the grand gateway hotel, for a cowboy church.
-At mount Rushmore right now.  All the trails are closed.  The sky is incredibly beautiful, so blue.  Not single cloud in the sky.  Ran into a lady who said that there is a back trail where you can still see some of the original equipment that was used to construct mount Rushmore.  There is also a giant pit where they planned to bury the declaration of independence and other important documents.  But never did.  Very cool.  Not a cloud in the sky.  So blue.
-Bought a bison burger at the mount Rushmore cafe.  The same one from 'North by Northwest' with carry grant.
-The black hills and forest are beautiful.  No clouds whatsoever.  Incredible blue.  Beautiful
-Just found out Philip Seymour Hoffman died today.  Crazy, less than two weeks ago I saw him at Sundance in person.  At one if his last movies.  Crazy.  
-Just saw a sign that said be prepared to stop for big horn sheep. South Dakota.
-Cool signs I've seen driving along the road in South Dakota towards the badlands National Park. I seen 3 or 4 different signs the same wall drug store. They offer free coffee and Donuts to veterans and those currently serving in the military.
-South Dakota looks a little bit like Kansas once you get away from the Black Hills. Lots and lots of open farmland. But not as flat as Kansas. Slight rolling Hills. Very cool very peaceful. Also not as sparsely populated as I've been led to believe. Their farms and sign the development pretty much that our way. Right now I can see a red tractor off to my left found the field for spring planting. But it's a sense of space. Nothing blocking your view. Absolutely no clouds. Absolutely no even slight signs of clouds. It makes the horizon just look even bigger. I mean you have all the space. I just can't get over it. It's divinely beautiful.
-Just thinking staiing at the horizon. With nothing intruding your view. It seems to go on endlessly. Likes tearing up the ocean. Seems like it never ends. Truly remarkable. The great Midwestern ocean.
-5 cent hot coffee at wall drugs.  Seen at least 7 different signs for that place.
-Standing on a lookout point above a canyon in badlands national park.  Watching the sun set.  The rock has red stripes breaking up the beige.  If I turn away from the canyon, the greenish yellow grass gibes way to purple then red, then blue, it beautiful.  The contrast and smooth flow is incredible.
-Racing through badlands National Park very low on gas almost out. Hope I make it. This National Park is huge. Pretty cool at night. Now I gotta find a gas station. Somewhere. If you like the fear of failing through National Park at night without any direction a clue where you're going.
-The views of the sky are crystal clear. Like a dark black crystal. All of the constellations are vivid. As I race across the South Dakota planes on the great white Swedish beast.
-The highway 90 East is so straight at times I can take my hands off the wheel for almost a minute at a time. As I'm doing right now. And then again when you touch the wheel it's only minimally for a slight correction. Crazy. If you turn on cruise control you can go completely hands and feet free. I think it's just the intrinsic beauty of the great white Swedish beast. She really is incredible creature. She was born for the open South Dakota roads. South Dakota really is an amazing place. A place we can go hands and feet free add a 75 mile per hour speed limit. Of course you can go 1 to 9 over with little fear of any kind of effective or substantial ramifications. South Dakota is quite an easy state. It's almost unfair to the great white Swedish beast. Very little challenge.
-took a pilgrimage to Warren Buffett's house.  It was very unassuming. You can walk right up to it.  Maybe even into his driveway.  Pretty crazy.
-went to blue line coffee shop in Omaha.  Another trying to be trendy and because they are trying to be trendy actually are not coffee shops.  They are pretty universal across the country.  Now off on a dead sprint to des moins.
-Saw a series of signs in a farm field 30 miles West of des moines.  It was 3 signs abdicating for building closest cities in less in the country. Trying to save farms. The 1st sign said urban sprawl not too pretty. The next sign said build closer to the city. The last sign said save our farms.
-stopped to get gas in west des moines at a place called 'Kum &Go'
-went an Iowa unique restaurant chain called 'bang bang Mongolian grill'
-Just passed the worlds largest truck stop. 14 miles West of Davenport Iowa. It had several fast food restaurant chains. And at least 50 tractor trailer trucks parked in it. At least.
-got home last night and woke up in my own bed.  I woke up wondering which hotel I was in.  After a month it seemed weird. 

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